Recent Work by Simon Adjiashvili

Recent works of paintings of interior spaces by Simon Adjiashvili are on display now at the Rothschild Fine Art Gallery.

Rothschild Fine Art Gallery, one of the scores of quality galleries in the Tel Aviv art scene, is proud to launch a solo exhibition of recent works by artist Simon Adjuashvili. Most of works in the exhibition are paintings of interior spaces – dark rooms that are modeled on the artist’s apartment in Tel Aviv.

Simon’s paintings turn the home into a puzzle composed of fragments. Yet this puzzle cannot be assembled to create a complete image. On the contrary, with each additional painting the puzzle expands, and the large image grows further away.

When we look at these paintings, we realize that what we perceive as a “place”, i.e. something that is delimited and defined, can actually expand infinitely. Anyone who understands this no longer needs long voyages. Every corner of every home can actually be numerous, changing places.

Simon creates this infinity by both prompting us to ask ourselves whether we haven’t already been here in another painting, as well as by opening the doors and the windows not only to the light, that the painting by its very nature loves so much, but also opening it to the dark. And in darkness, a place can expand boundlessly. As children we knew this. There is a hint of this childhood fear in Simon’s works. The painted dream is not only delicate, quiet and beautiful. It also has a hint of dread.

In some of the paintings there are perspective lines that seem as if they originated from architectural blueprints. As if these paintings are plans, sketches for a future house. But to the same extent they are also a deconstruction of a house that has already been constructed. These paintings are on the seam between an actual house in Tel Aviv and an imaginary house that is being built.

Nearly all of Simon’s rooms are in this condition, either before inception or about to disappear. Darkness will soon cover it, while light has only begun to reveal what is inside the room. In any case, the room’s reality is revealed by its being on the verge of non-existence, on the verge of not being seen.

Rothschild Fine Art Gallery
Address: 140 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv
Tel: 077-5020484