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Add Review For Restaurant Cafe Cafe Marina

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Review for קפה קפה מרינה הרצליה

By Jelena I came with a friend to Cafe Cafe Marina in a very bad mood (hamsin ,perhaps is the reason).I was thinking about some sweet treat to help me lift up my mood. . I was looking for some chocoate cake ,but what I choose was sold out. And than came Mayan,the young waitress. She immediatelly recognized my bad mood and with a large,friendly smile on her face told me that she knows exactly which cake I need. So, she brought me something,if I remember well, calling Warm Chocolate Farge. It was out of this world. It really helped. Mayan was all the time around us,chatting and trying to make us feeling comfortable. It was a really pleasant afternoon,at a nice place,with excellent evergreen music, excellent cake and excllent service. Mayan,thank you. We will come back for sure.
Food: Great!
Service: Great!
Atmosphere: Great!
Design: Great!
General Impression: Great!