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Review for האקליפטוס

By Marty and Ruth Fedelman At long last as promised we are putting our warm feelings to a wonderful restaurant on paper. It took time because we firstly had to get home, secondly deal with the weather but mainly, did you know that on your English page there is no place to write comments and we had to use the services of an Israeli boy from our congregation to enter us into your Hebrew site.On arriving at your wonderful resaurant we immediatly knew that we had chosen well when we were met by a smiling Stanley. During the course of the amazing tasting menu we actually felt that we were being hosted in his living room and not in a restaurant. Besides telling us about the food and a story and anecdote with each course as it arrived he told us all about the history of the resaurant and Chef Moshe Bason The cherry on top was when we actually met Moshe as he did the rounds chatting to each table , adding to the stories and sharing home made Arak with us over desserts. A memorable occasion where the food was as good as the atmosphere and home style hospitality. Highly recomended , not just for the food but for the experience
General Impression: Great!